The main idea for this is to go thru the whole proccess of data analysis and machine learning model building, from data cleaning to model evaluation.
the final result is on this link My Titanic Kaggle
but anyway gonna go step by step with the code
Main idea
The competition is simple: use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
I will get the dataset, create a couple of DataFrames to analyze the data, clean it, create a model and evaluate it, and finally predict the results.
Loading the data
First of all, I will load the data from the urls provided by Kaggle.
and use pandas to read the csvs, then make a train and test batches to work with
Then I labeled the dataset assiggning integers to the different characteristics and classes and also create new features to improve the model.
Train and test with my custom data
Making the classifier
Now the fun part, I use MLPClassifier from sklearn.neural_network to make a classifier.